The Bill Wilcox Celebration & Fundraiser

Bill Wilcox Bow Tie Celebration & Fundraiser

The Bill Wilcox Bow Tie Award, established in 2013, is presented to a local individual each year at the Bow Tie Celebration and Fundraiser, typically held in early November. In addition to honoring deserving local volunteers, Bow Tie is ADFAC’s signature event that raises funds to support the agency.

The Bow Tie Award is named after the late Bill Wilcox, an ADFAC volunteer and supporter. In addition to his impressive career at Y-12 and K-25, Bill was the Oak Ridge City Historian, active in numerous nonprofits, and thoroughly connected to his community.

When selecting a winner each year, the Bow Tie Committee looks for individuals with similar values and community-minded activities.

Past winners are:

2013 – Ray Smith 2014 – Tim Myrick
2015 – Cande Seay
2016 – Bear Stephenson
2017 – Tom Row 2018 – Louise Mixon 2019 – Bill Capshaw 2020 – Tom Beehan
2021 – Jim Dodson 2022 – Pat Postma